In a discussion I had with some co-workers a statement was said, "There is so much that keeps science from progressing; the worst of all is religion." Is this really true?
I can say that there is some truth in that. There has been times when Christianity has robbed the world of the ability to progress: those times were largely due to religious ultra-conservatives in positions of power. Know that I am not speaking of republicans; I am speaking of people who were afraid of challenges, afraid of risks, and afraid of the unknown. One example of this is when the Catholic Cardinals and Popes kept Galileo from furthering his research of the planets and even made him recant of what he saw with his own eyes.
The question remains is this a problem with Christianity or with people in general. I believe and am encouraged by the First Great Commission to subdue the earth and to multiply. Since the beginning science has helped God's people do those two things; I dont think that science is a bad thing at all. It is actually my belief that God wants us to take science in one hand and Christianity in another; and to find ways to merge them together. I dont have any problem with carbon dating or the sciences of evolution. I believe that both have their place in Christianity. The Bible does not explicitly say how old the earth is or say that we have never adapted from different, lesser traits. (I of course can not fathom a complete evolutionary process; there is just not enough scientific data to prove that humans came from monkeys or fish.) I am greatly looking forward to seeing science help me improve this world and ultimatly help bring God's Kingdom on the earth.
What do you think about Science and Christianity.