A breath of fresh air!

It is so amazing that, after a weeks of cold weather and snow, one bright an shining day of 70 degrees seems like heaven. It is days like those that make me think the kingdom is still coming. I feel, almost like, I am a Jew just being dismissed by Joshua to go in an settle the promised land. In the book of Joshua, the Tribes of Israel get to finally cross over the Jordan river and go into the promise land and then have to fight against Perizites, Hittites, Jebusites, Cannanites, Philistine, and all sorts of other peoples that lived in Canaan. After traveling through the desert for 40 years and fighting against a looong list of cities (Read Joshua if you want the lists), the Israelites finally get their portion and inheritance on the earth. When Joshua releases the Israelites to go in and settle their lands, they get to eat in fields that they didnt plant and drink wine from vinards that they didnt tend. God's kingdom was finally on the earth and the Istraelites were finally getting their portion of the Kingdom.

I can only imagine the joy and excitement about their new home. It is this same joy and excitement that I get when I feel a warm breeze after a cold month. The warm breeze gives me a taste of what my portion will be like when God's Kingdom finally gets to come on the earth again. When God's people are out of our messed up environment, when we have tasted of vinards that we didnt plant, and get to rejoice in our new home. Interestingly enough, I get the feeling when I do other things to, like overcome a challange or drive a new car or some times when I get to hug my wife. I really get a sense that the Kingdom coming could actually be real. It is enough to keep me going! I cant wait!!


Tyler said...

I love it, Dustin - and I can't wait either.

You articulated it beautifully, especially relating it to overcoming challenges and other daily things. Living out the Christian worldview is the most human thing one can do, and the cool thing is that it seems there are pieces of that original purpose that we can experience. While we can't be healed of every disease at the drop of a hat, and while every tear is by no means wiped away, we can undoubtedly overcome challenges, feel a warm breeze, and genuinely love our wives.

Thank you, Dustin. It's interesting - before even reading your post, I too posted similarly.

Today it seems we are hopeful.

Dustin said...

Thanks Tyler,
I got to take a look at your newest comment. One day we will be in that new Kingdom!! I cant wait. How does Jada like her new job?

Tyler said...

She loves it. It's a pretty cool deal she's got going.

We'd love to see you guys sometime. We'll be in town a few times over the next month or so, and maybe we can try to get together.