Free Computer Tools

I dont know if anybody that reads this post likes free computer repair tools or is concerned about security, but if you are I have a lot of good tools that I think you will like. I currently work at a place where I do over the phone IT. All of the tools that I use can be used by individuals for free! So, I will post some of them on here and if you need help using them; just post here and I can help you.

First, does anybody want to make there computer run faster and have less junk in it? Here are a couple of free Windows Registry and Windows cleaning tools that I have used that are very good.

First CCleaner: This program is a free program for both individual and corporate use. It is light and easy to use. You can get it from

The next is Glary's Utilities. Glary's can do what CCleaner does and more, it can defragment the Windows Registry and give you easy access to Windows tools like System File Checker and hard drive defragmenter. You can get it from

Now, lets talk about Internet security. Everyone knows that viruses are bad, but not everybody uses anti-virus programs. This is for a variety of reasons. One reason is the cost of anti-virus programs are high. It is very hard to pay 30-70 dollars a year for a program that doesnt give you any positive utility, it can slow down your computer and at best it only keeps bad things from happening to your computer. Well, here is some solutions that will not cost you any money.

First and my favorite, Panda Cloud Anti-virus. This little anti-virus program is super light on your system and super easy to use. It never needs to be updated and you never have to pay for it. The secret is that it does all of the anti-virus and anti-spyware processing on Panda's servers, leaving your computer's RAM and processor relatively free. You can get Panda Cloud anti-virus at

Now, there are more tradition anti-virus programs that are free. The best is Avira, then Avast, then AVG. These are more resource heavy but also do provide heaver protection. All of these anti-virus programs now come equiped with built in anti-spyware. You can get these from there prospective websites by just adding .com at the end of there name.

There is one more anti-virus program out there that is worth mentioning. That is Malwarebytes. This program has a free version that is good because it can be installed alongside most anti-virus programs. The free version does not have an active scanner, so you have to manually tell it to update and to scan your computer. This version is excellent for a backup antivirus program.

It is also important for every computer to have a firewall. A good firewall regulates data both coming and going out of your computer. Windows comes with a free firewall for XP and Vista, but it only regulates incoming data.

I have recently just installed a free firewall from Webroot. Webroot is a good company that is best known for it's anti-spyware products. The firewall is pretty easy to use and is easy to install. You can get it from the download section at

There are also a couple of other free firewalls out there, although I have not personally used them. The best known free firewall is from

There are a lot of other free programs out there, depending on what you need. My favorite websites to get free programs are,, and

Breaking Something.

Today, I discovered how easy it was to break someone's computer. It is kind of funny; I was trying to fix a issue that a customer had with a program. The problem was probably caused by his computer to begin with and probably needed what I done to it, but I was not expecting it. The customer basically had an old office computer that was given to him, but it was not properly setup for someone who didnt work in a large office. I simply changed his network setting from domain to a local network; one little change and it completely wiped his access to the computer. Talk about frustrating!

The good thing is that even though it may seem to be broken, it will get taken care of. I am kind of waiting for him to receive a special package that I had to send to his house to help, but in the end he will have a better computer and I may even be able to fix an older computer for him that has a bad Windows file.

I guess that I can kind of compare this story to the brokenness of humanity and how currently we are waiting for the coming package which is the Messiah who will fix not only our mess, but all of humanities mess.

I will state that one reason that I love this job is that in fixing things and helping people, I am in some way emulating the Messiah's work on the earth in which he will fix everything.