Today, I discovered how easy it was to break someone's computer. It is kind of funny; I was trying to fix a issue that a customer had with a program. The problem was probably caused by his computer to begin with and probably needed what I done to it, but I was not expecting it. The customer basically had an old office computer that was given to him, but it was not properly setup for someone who didnt work in a large office. I simply changed his network setting from domain to a local network; one little change and it completely wiped his access to the computer. Talk about frustrating!
The good thing is that even though it may seem to be broken, it will get taken care of. I am kind of waiting for him to receive a special package that I had to send to his house to help, but in the end he will have a better computer and I may even be able to fix an older computer for him that has a bad Windows file.
I guess that I can kind of compare this story to the brokenness of humanity and how currently we are waiting for the coming package which is the Messiah who will fix not only our mess, but all of humanities mess.
I will state that one reason that I love this job is that in fixing things and helping people, I am in some way emulating the Messiah's work on the earth in which he will fix everything.
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