I am currenty working for Intuit, a company that does financial software. You may have seen them around; they make software, such as Turbo Tax and Quicken. I am part of a pilot program that they are going to start testing. Intuit is wanting to provide technology support for their clients. This is giving me a very unique opportunity to develop my tech skills and learn a lot, while helping others. I am sure that Intuit is looking ahead, not behind. In this economy it is hard to still invest in the future when you dont know what will happen tomorrow. If Intuit is investing in the future, then it is for sure that other companies are as well. I am sure for those of you who currenty are working, you can tell that the economy is starting to get a little bit of life again.
I might just be optimistic, but I think that we all will pull through this. I know that even if things mess up now, with Yahweh and his Messiah, we will be flexable enough to adapt and eventually we will be back on top of things.
I think you are right Dustin. We will come out of this economic problem. When we do come out of this current economic funk it will not be due to anything the government has done for us it will because of hard working men and women such as yourself and thousands of small business owners out there.
I agree. The most that the government can do is kind of guide and give American workers confidence (o' and spend out money), but it will be American workers who will dig in and get the ball rolling again.
Just wondering? How are things going in the military? Are you guys seeing a crunch in your budget? Is the Air Force doing anything to help themselves pull through?
The best thing about the military is they always pull through. We are very good at doing the best we can with limited resources.
We will be just fine I think. It has been hard for a few years now but somehow we always get by.
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